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Please contact our office for the catalogue price list password.


Nursery Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 - 4:00.  Saturday by appointment.


Terms:  For accounts with established credit with our firm, terms are net 30 days.  A service charge of 2% (24% per annum) will be charged on past due accounts.  Customers without an established credit account may pay by check or credit card C.O.D.  A 3% surcharge will be added to credit card payments made in person.  A 3.75% surcharge wll be added to phoned in credit card payments.


Prices: All prices are F.O.B. our nursery.  Delivery is available upon request.  This list cancels all previous lists, and prices are subject to change without notice.


Guarantees & Claims:  We warrant that our nursery stock is true to name and in good healthy condition.  We sell under the standard Nurseryman's Warranty Clause "We give no warranty expressed or implied, as to description, quality, productivity, or any other matter, of any nursery stock we sell.  We accept no responsibility for the guarantee our customers give, including any governmental department or agency.  All shipments are at the risk of the purchaser after being delivered to the carrier in good condition.  All claims must be made in writting within 10 days after receipt of stock.  All quotations are for the immediate acceptance and subject to stock being unsold on receipt of order."




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